Eggy Lamp
Hemp for household items.
Opportunity Humans are the most developed beings in nature, yet are the least connected to nature. The more we develop, the further way. we seem to get away from our roots in nature.
Objective To use an alternative bio-material for a household item to promote sustainable materials and practices, while also connecting humans to nature and products.
tonnes of appliances are improperly
thrown away each year in the UK
Industrial Hemp
• No psychoactive effects of THC
• No chemicals, pesticides, or herbicides needed
• 50,000+ uses including, health products, construction materials, fabrics, oils, etc.
• Used as an alternative for a range of materials
• Tall, slim stalks that practically grow themselves
Hemp vs Tree Paper
• 1 acre produces the same as 4 acres of tree paper
• 4 months to mature vs 20 years
• Recyclable up to 7x vs 4x
Hemp and Lighting: Paper Shade Sketches
Paper Making: The Process