Nurture Nature Light
Outdoor fun for kids, connection for parents.
Opportunity  Nature interaction is an important part of growing up. Within the digital age, we see more children preferring screen time over outside time. On top of that, a child does not want to be given parameters when outside. A tool that allows for parental connection and encourages children to go outside will increase nature connections and overall independence. 
Objective  Create a tool that allows for parental connection and encourages children to go outside to increase nature connections and overall independence. 
An outdoor family with children who tend to 
wonder off.
A nature interaction tool that also creates 
connection to parents.
Form Exploration An exploration of handles, features, and body form lead to the final concept.
Scale Model A low fidelity model was made to determine overall size. This model lead to the conclusion that it should be smaller in order to be suit for a child.
Final Concept
Components Each component allows the child to engage and learn about nature, while also being able to easily contact a family member that is connected to the device.
Software The smartphone app lets parents easily keep in touch and locate where their children are as they are on their adventure. 
Manufacturing: Parts and Assembly The two part injection molded shell has specific sections for each component and is put together with a snap fit assembly. 

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